Rooted makes it a priority to ensure that the wood used to build each table is responsibly forested. But we also believe in leaving the planet better than we found it. That’s why for every table sold, we plant a tree. We’ve partnered with the National Forest Foundation to make an impact. Each purchase will help restore tens of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat spanning from Florida to Alaska. As these trees grow, they’ll help fight global climate change and ensure wildlife have healthy places to live. Not only will your table last generations; it will leave lasting roots on earth.
The Power of Your Purchase
One dining table
Plants one tree
A day’s supply of oxygen for up to four people
Food and shelter for wildlife
Resources to build five more dining tables
Did you know...
Forests offset up to 20% of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions each year.
Over half of Americans depend on forests to capture and filter their drinking water.
Trees remove over 35 billion pounds of pollutants in the U.S. each year.
Key ingredients for pharmaceuticals like aspirin and cancer treatments come from trees
Trees prevent nearly 400 billion gallons of flooding in the U.S. each year by catching rainwater and reducing erosion.
Trees prevent over half a million cases of respiratory problems.